Friday, January 25, 2008

How bad is it?

They say that ignorance is bliss. I tried that route and ended up where I am today. Today, I crushed the ignorance. I gathered up as many envelopes and pieces of mail as I could find. I went online, creating accounts, user names, and passwords. I brought it all together and sorted it out. Boy! Did it feel good to throw out a stack- I mean a BIG stack- of mail and envelopes (all just duplicate bills and statements because I didn't pay the first time). But that's another blog for another day. I'm putting off the statement of what I discovered. What I discovered is neither painful or joyful. It's just kinda there. As of right now, to my knowledge, we are about $63,500 in debt. About $1500 of that is past due medical bills. About $9000 of that is for our car loan (we just got a new-to-us van last September). And that scary part... the rest of our current debt is due to student loans (about $7000 mine and the rest DH's). So, I spent the afternoon making up some nice charts on Excel (I love Excel! What did we ever do without it?). I figure that we can take $1500 of our tax return and knock-out the medical bills. After that, we can hit one of my student loans that has about $1600 left to pay on it. Currently, we are paying almost $150 a month toward that, so even if we just left it, it would be paid off a year from now. But that's not quite good enough. I want that sucker gone so we can free up that $150 a month! And, that's about as far as I've gotten in my plan.
All in all, not a bad day. My budget/calendars are printed up for the year and are waiting peacefully in their allocated monthly pocket in the "super file". All the known bills are in one place, weeded through, and charted in Excel. And, we have a positive bank balance! Now, I think I'm going to curl up with a little Dave Ramsey until the kids wake up from their naps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Mary. That's a great start! I really need to get through all of the mail too. BTW, I'm so glad you're on my board!!!