Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weight-loss Wednesday (on Thursday)

...or Friday...

Sorry I missed it. The reason is three-fold.
On Thursday,
1. My daughter waited until after we were home from LOGOS (Wed. night kids' program at church) to tell me she had homework- just before bedtime. She usually does her homework at my parents' house right after she comes home from school, so it's usually done before LOGOS. Today, my mom had a meeting and doctor's appointment during this time. The kids were with my dad, who was also working from home at this time. Needless to say, the homework didn't get done... she "forgot" she had homework.

2. DH was using the computer last night. He busted his butt cleaning and organizing the kitchen on his day off (even pounding a nail in the wall and hanging up a clock that I'd bought months ago... there's still no battery in it, but it's hung, lol) and I just didn't have the heart to kick him off the computer. (Especially when I had hogged the computer all night on Tuesday, chatting with my best friend and sister)

3. I was doing research for the other portion of this site- finances. I finally got my copy of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and I couldn't wait to dive into it! (More to come on that later)

So, after struggling through Miss B's homework, my brain was so fried that I didn't even want to attempt to put together coherent sentences.

On Friday,
Round Two of excuses...
Repeat the above reasons (aka excuses) and that's why it's now Friday and I still haven't posted "Weight-loss Wednesday". Miss B had homework to do at home (again) plus studying for her spelling test, DH worked late and was on the computer by the time I was done with Miss B and her homework, my brain was so fried that, after getting all the kids settled in bed, I went to bed with Dave Ramsey (the book, remember) and fell asleep shortly after.
Soooo, with all of this procrastination, you'd think that I had time to come up with some really good tips for this week, but I actually have just two simple words:
Gum & Water
These are 2 things that really help me get through some rough spots... times when I'm wanting to eat something, but know I shouldn't... times when I know I should stop eating whatever I'm munching on, etc. Over the past week, I've come to realize that it's these 2 things that get me through. The water helps because there are many times when I think I'm hungry, but I'm really just thirsty. If I stop and think about it, I realize that I haven't had anything to drink for a while (or at all). So, I've really tried to increase my water consumption, in general. I've also tried to stop and think about whether I'm really hungry or if I'm just thirsty before I eat something. Sometimes this works, sometimes not. The gum helps because sometimes, I just need to be chewing on something... to have a sensation or flavor in my mouth. As a matter of fact, these two things helped me just now. I am home for the day. When I'm home for the day, I tend to munch or graze- a lot. I realized that I was doing this just now (too late for my comfort, but better late than never) and so I put the offending foods back in the fridge (or what was left of the offending foods) and grabbed a piece of gum and a tall glass of water. Voila! I'm satisfied!
So, there you have it- better late than never- Weight-loss Wednesday!

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