Friday, January 18, 2008

Woo Hoo!!! Victory!!!

Check-In: +$1248.86!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! I know that I'm supposed to wait until "Monday Night Money" to "check-in", but I just couldn't wait this week! This is the first positive balance that we have had in 2008! It was bad that we lost control of our money over Christmas (and a lot of other times before that too), but now that I am in control and have a positive balance, I feel, well, really positive! As I said, I was just soooo excited about this that I had to share. I know that it will not last... that it will go quickly to bills and such, but I wanted to share this one, small victory. It's a victory because we have a positive balance again, but also because we have survived for 3-4 weeks on very little cash, proving to ourselves that it can be done! So, if you are reading this and have a "victory" to share, post a comment and let everyone know. We deserve to celebrate (so if you have any cheap or free ways to celebrate, let me know that too)!

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