Friday, January 25, 2008

cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater...

Okay, I didn't actually eat pumpkin, but, have to admit, I cheated.
I have been sitting home here all day, and it has been driving me nuts- thinking about weighing-in tomorrow. I have been fretting a bit, because, frankly, I have done some dumb eating this week: Eating out with a friend last Monday (not necessarily dumb, but I didn’t choose the healthiest thing on the menu), grabbing Taco Bell Wednesday night because I was out running errands and I was hungry, eating when I wasn’t really hungry yesterday- knowing that I wasn’t hungry, but also knowing that I would be wasting food (= wasting money) if I didn’t eat what I had brought with me (including a Hostess Honey Bun, bought on impulse on the way to school- dumb!), and grazing/ munching like there was no tomorrow when I was sitting at home this morning. So, it was bugging me, not knowing how all of these “bad choices” were going to manifest themselves and nail me when I stepped on the scale tomorrow. I couldn’t take it anymore! I ran to the bathroom (okay, walked, but "ran" sounds so much more dramatic), grabbed my scale, stepped on, counted to 5, and looked down. What did I see? 292.6 Yes, it’s a ½ pound gain from last week, but given all the things I’ve done to sabotage last week’s victory, I think ½ a pound gain is more than fair. And, I’ll try to stop the sabotage so that I can report something even better next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The key is to acknowledge the facts and then move on. Way to not beat yourself up for not eating healthy! I tend to do something wrong once and then figure I might as well give up- mainly with caffeine. But, the best thing to do is pick right up where you left off and look at how far you've come!
I'll try to have some healthy things this weekend to so I don't lead you astray.