Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 12/ 08/ 2007

Weigh-in: 299.8/ 301.5 (two different readings)
These were the readings when I stepped on the scale today. Why do we always step on it again if we don't like the first reading? It's not like it ever comes out more in our favor...
Anyway, I attribute this reading to consuming popcorn at Target (the bad-for-you-kind), lots of Diet Coke (instead of the water that I should be drinking) and weighing myself right after eating a heavy meal. Still, as my old mantra went, "Improvement is improvement" and I think that journaling about this stuff is a step in the right direction. When I began journaling, I chose a notebook with hearts on the front- to remind me that the reason for all of this is for LOVE: love for myself, love for my kids (at home and at school), and love for my husband. I wanted to have a place to share and keep track of my progress, but also to have a place to reflect on some stuff. I've always been a fan of journaling. In fact, I still have journals from high school and college- what fun to go back and read! So, welcome to "That Place".

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