Sunday, January 20, 2008


This morning, I had a bit of a revelation. Long story, short... It is reeeeeeally cold out (like it-hurts-to-breathe-freeze-your-nose-hairs-cold). DH had to meet at church to sing with the choir at 7:45 am. We (kids & I) were up. We were almost ready to go. The phone rings at 7:32. It is DH calling from church. Granted, we only live 4 blocks away, but, again, it is hurts-to-breathe-freeze-your-nose-hairs-cold out there and he has asthma- fairly bad asthma. I had told him several times NOT to walk to church, that we were almost ready and we would all go. He purposefully left the house while I was getting the kids dressed in their room (so I couldn't see him leave or stop him), walked to church (aka froze his tukus off), and then called me from there to let me know that he had, indeed, walked to church. I was very angry with him and told him so. What he did, given the temperatures and his asthma, was completely stupid. I have not budgeted for a trip to the ER! It also sent the message to me that the fact that I got up early on a Sunday morning and was working hard to get myself and the kids ready in time to leave the house even earlier than we usually do on a week day, meant nothing to him. Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I am not a morning person! and getting up early on a weekend is a loving sacrifice on my part (especially after staying up past one in the morning beating my sister at, er, I mean playing a lovely game of Vegas Showdown with my sister last night). But, I digress, you did not come on here to read about my marital spats... Since we were home and didn't have to go to the first church service (a traditional-format service which I really dislike) I fixed the kids each a bowl of cereal, letting them choose what kind they wanted. It doesn't sound like a weekend-worthy breakfast treat, but around here it is because the kids don't have time to sit down and eat a bowl of cereal on weekdays. (Scarcity makes the heart grow fonder!) I also decided to have a bowl of cereal (Froot Loops, to be exact). Not too big of a deal. It wasn't my usual healthy, filling breakfast, but it will do for a Sunday morning. That should have been the end, right there- breakfast was over. But then, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the box of granola cereal, opened it up, and began munching. And munching, and munching... I never considered myself much of an "emotional eater" before, but here I was, still irritated with DH, and I was munching away like there was no tomorrow. Coincidence? I think not! Today, I finally made a connection between the two. And, as they say, knowing is half the battle. Now, I know to stay away from the kitchen when I'm angry- unless I get swept away in a mad cleaning frenzy (lol) like you always read about people doing when they get angry. Why, oh, why couldn't I be one of those people? Burning calories and cleaning when I'm mad, instead of eating! Well, I'm in control now. It's something that I'll work on...

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