Saturday, January 12, 2008

Back to the beginning...

Well, not really the beginning, as I've always struggled with my weight and money management skills, but this is where I'm starting this. I began in late December, 2005- almost January 2006- at 313 pounds. This was an all-time high (and a new low) for me. I found and signed up for which led me to track my food and weight and to get a "buddy". Things were going well. I lost 15+ pounds within about a month. Then, I lost my buddy due to circumstances in her family, which led to a loss of accountability and support for myself. My life with 3 small children and a full-time job started to take over, and Sparkpeople and losing weight got pushed further and further back on the burner until it fell behind the proverbial stove.
Fast forward to Memorial Day weekend, May 2007 (over a year later)...
We took a trip to visit our best friends, H & P. Several years ago, H had lost over 100 pounds with Weight Watchers, gaining some back after the births of her children. So, we were talking about how we really needed to start being healthier again... losing weight, exercising, etc. We decide to give the whole thing another shot. She signs up for Sparkpeople, I return to Sparkpeople (amazed to find things exactly as I left them!). She also invited me to a 200+ support board that she is a part of. At this point, in early June, I stepped on the scary scale (yes, it was scary at this point, because I honestly didn't know what it was going to say). I was amazed, and a bit relieved, when it read 313 lbs.- just like it did a year-and-a-half before! I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't more. So, I started to behave more around food and to make a conscious effort to move more- like playing with the kids at the park instead of just watching them play and fidgeting more. It wasn't "exercise", but it was an increase in activity. I didn't get back to using Sparkpeople like I did before, but I still visit it occasionally and get emails from them. Over the course of a few months, I was down 20 lbs. as a result of these efforts.
Fast f0rward again to December 2007...
After Thanksgiving, my weight is up a bit. I find myself yo-yoing (is that a word?) So, I decide to start journaling and weighing myself in (ironically after another visit with my best friend, H). I renew my focus on being healthier and set a goal not to gain weight over the Christmas holiday. Short-term goals are my friend after reading some of FlyLady's stuff about Babysteps. This seemed like a babystep that was attainable and would give me some quick feedback as to success or failure since it was only about a month until the new year (my deadline). Now, I'm taking the journaling online, so here goes...

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