Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 01/19/08

Weigh-In: 292.1
Down 2 lbs! :) :) :) :) :)
All I can say is, "I broke the ceiling... I broke the ceiling..."
The funny thing is, that I was using the scale in the bathroom and happened to be looking in the mirror while I waited for the scale to register my weight. So, when the weight popped up on the digital scale, I saw the digital number reflected in the mirror and thought it said 295.1! Boy! Am I ever glad I looked down! I'm just excited because a while ago, I wrote about the "down 20 lbs. ceiling" that I seemed to be hitting and not able to get past. So, starting at 313 and now being at 292.1 puts me past the down 20 lbs mark! This is quite possible the lowest weight I've been in a few years!
What have I done this week to get here? Ummm... I'm not super-sure. I have been drinking water and I have not had any pop. Sometimes I listened to my body, instead of eating when it was time to eat- like yesterday... I had some breakfast at home, a bit of this and that from the "birthday breakfast" at work and at lunch I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat. But other times, I ate, even though I'm not sure that I was hungry, and I didn't always eat what was best for me, like BBQ potato chips. Anyway, depsite all of that, I am here. Where am I going next? Tune in next week to see...

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