Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 01/12/08

Weigh-In: 294.1
Down just over 3 lbs! :)
Yay! I am happy that I am down for a change! Happy that I am almost back to my "20 below starting weigh"t (the lowest I've been in recent times). I knew that going back to work would help matters (and also the end of the Christmas season with all its goodies and holiday meals). Of course, now is Girl Scout cookie season... I just went and picked up 70 boxes today. NO! Not all for me... the ones my daughter sold! Still, I think we bought quite a few boxes (somewhere between 6 and 10). Still, being where I'm at now, weight-wise, will let me move onto my next goal... one that I mentioned a while back- breaking through the "down 20 lbs. ceiling". How? Only time will tell... I am trying to do better drinking water. Also, once the Christmas tree is down, I plan to bring the exercise bike into the living room. Not the most tasteful decorating choice that I've made, but right now, it's the only place that I can think of to put it where I know that it will get moved. Of course, we can always stick it in the family room that we aren't using when we have company. So, that's my current plan. Let's see how it goes.

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