Monday, February 4, 2008

Well, after visiting and messing around with Tickerfactory for an insane amount of time, I could not find anything that adequately conveyed the "Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your Emergency Fund grow?" theme. So, I abandoned it in favor of the "Godzilla-scale Piggy Bank, stomping the evil Debt City" theme. Okay, so the city doesn't really look that evil, but that's just what they want you to think. Debt doesn't look evil either. In fact, all the commercials make it look nice... Hey! Buy stuff! Then you can be just like everyone else, while still remaining uniquely you, and you will be happy! (Those "priceless" commercials of a certain credit company have got to be the worst of these money-can-buy-happiness messages!)


Does having more month left at the end of your money make you happy?

Does wondering how you will buy diapers or formula for your babies or how you will put gas in your car because the bank balance is super-negative make you happy?

Does waking up exhausted in the morning because you were tossing and turning half-the-night with dreams full of financial anxiety make you happy?

Does realizing you could have paid off several of your bills with what you ended up having to pay in overdraft charges this month make you happy?

Does not being able to provide the "extra" things for your children make you happy?

Does being stuck renting houses, renting furniture, or paying exhorbitant interest rates because your credit is so bad make you happy?

Does having a nervous, anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach everytime you check your bank balance make you happy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said!