Saturday, February 16, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 02/16/08

Weigh-In: 289.7

Yup! That's it! Up only .3 lbs! Why am I excited? A little background...
This has been a week from you-know-where...
It began with me not feeling great last weekend- just some sinus stuff that, while not making me super-sick, made me really tired and made me lose my voice. I had to go to work on Monday with no voice because we had a meeting set up with a parent from you-know-where... a meeting that was ever-so-fun because I had no voice to speak up for our classroom or to even voice my opinion.
On the heels of this this meeting, I flipped roles from teacher to parent and went to Miss B's parent-teacher conference... a conference that was attended by myself, her teacher and, the principal (you know it's not going to be good when the principal makes a special point to attend your child's conference). Actually, the conference was pretty much what I expected- we're all concerned about her difficulty attending and the effect on her school work. She's getting straight C's, but she's at an accelerated magnet school for kids at or above grade-level, so that's not so bad, but it could be better if she were able to focus on her work and complete it in a timely fashion. As I said, I was kind of expecting this. There's a family history and we've seen these things when we're working with her at home, but it doesn't make it any more fun to go through or deal with.
On Sunday night, Miss B had begun to complain of a sore throat. Since my DH was staying home with the other two kids on Monday anyway, I kept her home from school, figuring she was getting the same thing I had. Then came Tuesday night- when Miss B's inhaler was doing her no good and we had to make a trip to the ER. Two nebulizer treatments and a dose of steroids later (about 5-6 hours), she was doing better, but still wheezing some. We got home about 2 am. Wednesday morning, after another dose of steroids, antibiotic, and nebulizer treatment, she was still coughing and wheezing, which led us to the doctors office. Well, she must have been doing pretty badly because the doctor gave her another neb treatment there (with 2 meds now, instead of 1) and another dose of steroids! She increased all of her meds and instructed us to give her neb treatments every hour for the next 3 hours, every 2 hours for the next 6 hours and then every 3 hours until we saw Miss B's regular pediatrician for a follow-up on Friday. And there went the rest of our week!
So, to get back to the original topic: why am I so glad that I only gained .3 lbs?
1. It was a stressful week and stress tends to be a trigger for my eating when I don't really need to be eating.
2. Miss B was out of school for the week, I didn't take her to the bus, so I didn't get my usual walks in. So, I didn't get much exercise in this week either.
3. It was Valentine's Day. Although I didn't get any chocolate hearts full of candy, there were LOTS of goodies around. Since I didn't know how many (if any) students were bringing treats (since I wasn't there to send a note home reminding parents to send treats), I picked up a box of donut holes for the students and a dozen donuts for the staff in our classroom. And wouldn't you know it that this is the first year that every single student brought something! There were cakes and candies and juices and cookies and donuts! It was a sugar-filled mine field!
4. On Tuesday morning, I ate breakfast at Burger King with 2 of the kiddos while running errands. On Wednesday night, I ate dinner at Burger King (chosen by Miss B, her consolation prize for missing Valentine's night at LOGOS when her brother and sister got to go). On Friday night, we ate at Golden Corral (a buffet). Since I figured this week's weigh-in was already shot, I might as well go all the way. DH and the kids have been asking to go here for a while, so I figured that it was a good time to go. Now, what I ate there wasn't horrible, but I'm sure it was far from healthy and, like many people, I tend to eat too much when I'm at a buffet.
So, after all of that, I told myself that, no matter what, I would step on the scale this morning. I could have sloughed off a little longer... after not writing for a week, what's a few more days? I probably would have done that in the past, but I'm on a quest for truth and accountability now! So, although I fully expected to see a few-pound gain, I stepped on the scale this morning. I had already told myself that it was okay... that there were times in life when it was okay to fall off the wagon and that this week was certainly one of them. And, I told myself that there's nothing wrong with chasing down the wagon and hopping back on, just like nothing had happened. And, I'll be darned if all of that talking to myself was for nothing! Now, it just irritates me a bit because, just think... If I hadn't written this week off and said, "Oh well, it's already a lost cause," I wouldn't have made some of the choices that I did and I would have actually had a loss! Well, forewarned is forearmed, they say, so next time I'll know. When a crappy week head's my way, I'll know to perhaps count a day as a loss, but not the whole week. Next time, there will be no excuses!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Thanks for the pep talk and lemonade suggestion. I don't even feel cheated by substituting the lemonade for coke. I really thought I would.
See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, girl! I'm proud of you for claiming your gain! Love you!