Saturday, February 9, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 02/09/2008

Weigh-In: 289.4
Down 2.7 lbs! :)
Woo Hoo! What else can I say? I'm excited and encouraged! Things are moving in the right direction again. Not having those donuts yesterday was so worth it! The feeling of looking down at the scale and seeing an almost 3 lb. loss is much better than the feeling you get from eating a Homecut Donut- and anyone who's had Homecut Donuts knows that's saying a lot (still-warm coffee rolls might come close)! I must admit, I was a bit leary of stepping on the scale- feeling bad because this has been very busy week, neccesitating a few trips to a drive-thru or the food court at the mall. It has also been a very snowy week, with more snow coming almost daily (but not enough for a snow day). The daily delivery of snow and ice has wreaked havoc on my daily walk after the bus stop plan. I have no doubts that I will pick up that plan once the weather reaches an even keel again, but I missed doing it this week. I only got to walk once or twice in the morning this past week. I have also not gotten the exercise bike back into the house yet and now that plan is on hold until after Princess Tippytoes' birthday party next weekend (which is, ironically, the reason the bike got taken out of the house a few years ago). So, over-all, I'm feeling optimistic and happy. My goal for this week is to plan my meals. My sister has been doing this and blogging about it here. Seeing what she spent on groceries last week has inspired me to get my butt in gear and plan my meals! Her grocery bill for herself, DH, and a teenage son was $20! Granted, she has some stuff stock-piled and one of the perks of her job is getting food that the store can no-longer sell, but an average grocery bill of $20 would be a great boon to our budget! I have no illusions of getting my grocery bill down to $20, but I do believe that we could lower it by planning meals based on what we already have at home and then supplementing with our trips to the grocery store. This past week, I spent about $50 on groceries. I didn't feel that was too bad for a family of 5, but when you add in a trip to the food court one night and a trip for 2 through the drive-thru another night, it doesn't look quite as good (about $30 for the food court, but only about $6-$7 for the drive thru trip for DH and I). Just because we actually have money in our bank account again doesn't mean that we should spend it. That's a trap that's waaay too easy to fall into! Okay, I'm off to meal plan. If I get the chance, I'll pop back on to share with you.

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