Friday, February 1, 2008

still here...

but haven't had much time for writing this week. My 4-year-old daughter has had a fever (ranging between 99 and 105 degrees) since Monday. "A virus" according to the doctors... nothing we can do about it, but time and worry consuming, nonetheless. Add to that several meetings and parent-teacher conferences to attend and prepare for, and there just haven't been many opportunities for blogging this week. But, now we have a snow day- glorious snow day! The joy only diminished slightly by the fact that I have to take my husband to work by 9:00 (which means digging us out and getting the kids ready way before that) and the fact that the kids were already off for the day anyway due to conferences (or consonants, and my 4-year-old calls them). So, I will probably be on here to blog later, but in the meantime read this:
Debt-free -- and more -- by 2009 at MSN money. It's an article that my sister sent to me. Although I doubt it will make anyone "Debt-free" (unless they have very little debt to begin with), the article has some good points or steps that we should be taking. I'll get to those in a future blog. The kids are starting to get up and I've got snow to shovel. Correction: I've got SNOW!!! to shovel.

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