Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday Night Money

Check-In: $1217.56
May I say, Wow!
When I checked my bank account, I had to delve deeper, thinking that maybe they hadn't taken out any of the money that I spent this weekend. But they had! That includes taking out cash for this coming week! I have to admit, we haven't been as frugal as we were a month ago. A month ago, it was out of necessity. Now, it's by choice, but by making that choice, I don't have to feel guilty about taking the family out to eat, renting a few DVD's, or spending a little more on Princess Tippytoes birthday party (like buying pre-cooked chicken to use in a recipe instead of cooking and dicing it myself because time was of the essence). Actually, I think I was about on target, budget-wise, for the party if I take into account that I bought some regular groceries for this week while I bought the food for the party. Anyway, looking closer at my account, there's a $130 check out there that has not cleared. The car payment is due, I owe my mom for daycare, and I need to pay my dad the rent sometime soon. So, it's not like all of that money doesn't have someplace to go, but at least it's there for the going!

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