Saturday, March 15, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 03/15/08

Weigh-In: 287.0!

Yay! I've finally surpassed my previous low! It's taken a while, with some yo-yo-ing during and following the time when everyone in my family was sick and my "funk", but I finally did it! So, I'm really happy! I've gotten to walk most days this week and have even added an extra block on a couple of days as time in our morning schedule allowed. I also tried really hard to listen to my body this week. If it said I was full, I stopped eating (what a concept!). So, seeing a loss of 2 pounds this week makes me feel less guilty about not cleaning off and using the exercise bike that I've been intending to bring back into the house for a few years and finally did last weekend!
So, let's take a look at my goals for this past week- at least the weight loss ones...

1. Eat out less. We've been doing way too much of that lately. It's not good for our budget or our health. Yup! I did this. Although I did eat out a two times, I tried to make a better choice on Wednesday night and last night I filled up on a salad before my main course came so that I didn't eat as much of that.

2. Get back to drinking more water and less diet coke. Yup! I did this too. The only time I had caffeine this week was on Thursday at lunch when I thought that it might help my killer headache. It didn't, so I had to follow it up with some Excedrin as soon as I got home.

3. Amputate connections with my bank account (IE; debit card and checkbook) and only carry cash. Yup! I did this! I got cash out at the store on Monday night and promptly put my checkbook and bank card in a drawer for the week. It was fairly painless except that I forgot to write a check for Princess Tippytoes preschool and I didn't have it with me to do when I remembered.

4. Clean off and start using the exercise bike and continue walking in the mornings. As I said above, I got half-way there... keeping up with the walking, but not getting the bike cleaned off, adjusted and used. So, we'll continue this goal for next week.

5. Show a real loss on the scale this week! Yup! Yay! I did this! Still, I like this goal and I will keep it for next week because meeting this goal makes me smile :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! But why were you up so early on a Saturday writing this? You should be sleeping in!