Tuesday, March 4, 2008

:) :) :) :) :)

I got to walk today! And it felt so good! Breathing in the clean, cool air... taking a break from the morning rush of "we've got to hurry up and get everyone ready and get out of the house"... just me and the birds. Ahhhh...

I have vowed that there will be a loss on the scale this week. Walking is one way to help me get there, but even more importantly, it's a nice chance to step back from the day, look at what needs to be done, and organize my thoughts... or to think of nothing at all :) I've never been one to enjoy exercising. Aerobics? No thank you! But I do enjoy physical activities and I find that I always feel better when I'm doing them on a regular basis. So, I was thrilled to be able to start up my morning walks again. There was no fresh-fallen snow to trudge through or newly-formed ice to worry about. Everyone was healthy enough to allow me to be away from home long enough to squeeze in my walk after Miss B got on the bus. Ahhh... What a great way to start my day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for you! It is a great thing just to take time out for yourself! And, spring is on the way! Lol! Maybe in a year or 2?