Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Night Money

Check-In: $1168.67

Take a week when most of the bills are due, add in a mini-vacation, spring break, an eye exam and new glasses, a trip to the dentist, a medical bill paid off, and a car towing & repair bill and you get the above balance. Ugh! At least I know where the money went this time... mostly to things that we needed. I can't say we needed the tickets to Medieval Times or to eat out as much as we did last week, but we sure enjoyed it! And what's life without some enjoyment? At least now we are not in a "big bill" time of month. We actually have very little that is due at the beginning of the month, which is good, given the above balance. All in all, I'm okay with the above balance. Of course, I'd be even better with it if I had pulled out the $1000 for our emergency fund and still had that balance sitting in the account! Still, this is a learning process... a lifestyle change... and changes don't always come easily and they definitely do not change over night! This is progress and improvement and that is what I'm aiming for: To do better than I have been. In that sense, I'm seeing success.

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