Saturday, March 8, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 03/08/08

Weigh-In: 284 or 289, depending on the scale...

Personally, I like the 284, but that reading was on a scale in the fitness center at the hotel, not the regular scale that I use every week. Still, I wanted to weigh myself first thing this morning since it was my regular weigh-in day and time. By the time I got home at 2 pm this afternoon and stepped on my regular scale (just after eating lunch), the scale said 289. Still, I won't complain. This week has been good (except for too much eating out and/or on the go). Things are slowly getting back to normal and my funk is disappearing. The kids are at my sister's for the weekend (THANK YOU wonderful sister!) and so far, I've enjoyed some quality time with my husband without the distractions and interruptions of kids- something severely lacking in our two-working-parent household with young children. Now that DH is at work for a few hours, I also plan to work- on the house- getting things back to a liveable state and making room for and bringing in the exercise bike! I know, I've written about that before, but that is my one, true goal this weekend. Anything else I get done is just icing on the cake. So, instead of sitting on here and typing (minimal, if any, calorie burnage), I'm getting off the computer, playing some loud obnoxious music, and cleaning and organizing to my heart's content (or at least until I have to go pick my DH up from work).

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