Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weekend Weigh-In: 04/19/08

Weigh-In: 285.6
down 4.2 lbs! :)

I'm gonna make this short and sweet... it's been a long day: pancake breakfast at church, working at Recycling Fun Fair at my school, a 90th birthday party, and a visit with my grandma! I weighed in this morning, happy to see a loss (finally!). A 24-hour bug yesterday may have helped that out a bit, but I'll take it however I can get it! Especially because the rest of the week wasn't especially good in terms of healthy eating (lots of eating out/ fast food in the evenings). I did get more sleep this week, so maybe that was helpful (I've been tired a lot lately... crashing out soon after the kids are in bed). At any rate, I'm glad to have another loss to report. This is a new low since I've been losing weight over the past few months, so I'm happy to be blogging tonight! Yay me!

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