Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Night Finances...

like Monday Night Money, only earlier!

Check-In: $2211.08

Seriously, as I said in my last post, the extra bills that popped up in the last 2 days kinda freaked me out. Evidently, my reaction to the dentist bill freaked DH out, since he went to his employer to talk to him about the "emergency fund" that he has set up for his employees- even though I told DH not to talk to him until I'd had a chance to look at our finances- and DH also tried to call the dentist's office (tonight) to cancel his oral surgery that is scheduled for Monday. He's quite the reactionary! After taking a look at things tonight, it's really not too bad, we will just have to be extra-good for the rest of the month, but we should be fine. Most of our ER fund money will probably be wiped away, but I'm appreciative to have that extra cushion to get us through these times. We won't be any worse off than when we didn't have an ER fund and we can just build it back up again. Of course, it will be a lot slower going this time around... without having a tax refund to boost it from $0 to $1000 in one fell swoop!
The good news for this week was that I finally got ahold of claims services for the hospital and the insurance company to straighten out our "coordination of benefits"- just so I could tell them that there's nothing to coordinate... we have no other insurance. The result of this (aka- "good news") is that we owe the hospital nothing for Miss B's trip to the ER in February, nothing for Mr. C's trip to the ER in February, and only $331.24 for DH's 3-day hospital stay in February. Before insurance, these 3 trips totalled almost $14,000! All I can say is THANK GOD FOR INSURANCE!!! Of course, having such good insurance that I pay nothing for is one of the things that is making my what-to-do-with-my-job/career/life decision that much harder! But that's another blog...

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