Friday, April 11, 2008

back to blogging...

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, and yet 'crazy' seems to be the new norm around here. We had a partly nice spring break- interrupted by things like a broken down van, a shortened vacation and my 96-year-old grandma going into the hospital. Then, I went back to work... back to the antagonizing, stressful insanity that my work environment has become. And grandma stayed in the hospital (or at least she should have stayed in the hospital... leaving against her dr's orders only to end up back in the hospital again 2 days later). Now, she is out of the hospital again, basically because there is no testing or treatment that she's willing to put herself through (and I don't blame her- who wants to have a bone marrow biopsy or go on dialysis at 96?) and because she has someone to stay with her at her apartment for the time being. I don't know if it's stress or what, but my weight was up last weekend (around 293? I think) and I was just not motivated to post. I figured I'd do a "belated weigh-in" again (maybe my weight would come down some by then, right?). Then came Monday night. And I did my Monday Night Money, like I'm supposed to (even though I totally didn't feel like it after dragging my husband and children through the aisles of Walmart to "just pick up a few things"... $200 later, we made it out of the store). But, I went a little more into details than usual (more to come on that later) and with the late start, it was midnight by the time I got through with the normal money stuff. The end of an 18-hour day is no time to be blogging. Although brain-dead, sleep-deprived blogs are sometimes amusing, they are rarely ever helpful. And then the week happened. Time and the motivation to write just never crossed paths. Fast-forward to tonight, when I asked DH how much he'd written the check for at the dentist's office today. It was almost double what I'd anticipated and, added to another unexpected $500+ bill, nearly sent me into cardiac arrest! So, when we got home, it was time for a panicked episode of "Friday Night Finances" and here we are...

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